(Promotional Shots by Mark Tucker)
Unknown Date
Brennan Manning (Author): "The late musician Rich Mullins taught me an invaluable lesson about the true meaning of repentance. One rainy day he got into a blistering argument with his road manager, Gay Quisenberry. Angry words were hurled back and forth, and Rich stormed out the door. Early the following morning, Gay was awakened from a sound sleep by the loud buzz of a motor outside her house. Groggy, she looked out and saw Rich mowing her lawn!"
- Rich's musical influences from this time include: Peter Gabriel, Bruce Springsteen, Bruce Cockburn, Bob Dylan, Bruce Hornsby.
Rich: "An awful lot of the other music I hear today bores me to tears."
- Rich writes the unreleased song "But For Your Flesh."
- Mark Heard (under the pseudonym iDEoLA) releases Tribal Opera on What? records. This becomes one of Rich's favorite albums. One song from the album, "How to Grow Up Big and Strong," would eventually be covered by Rich Mullins and included on the Mark Heard tribute album entitled Strong Hand of Love, as well as Rich's own A Liturgy, A Legacy and a Ragamuffin Band, in 1993.
Rich: "When I first heard Mark Heard's Eye of the Storm, I knew that he was a very original writer and had a style that I like. Several albums later, I still liked his writing. It never became predictable or narrow -- it remained honest. It has been that honesty more than any of his styles that spoke so clearly."
- On the verge of getting a 'big break' in the music industry, Rick Elias decides to make some changes. He drops out of potential record deal and starts to write songs from his new-found Christian perspective.
Rick Elias: "I was in a band with a lot of really hot players, and we were doing some demos with Niko Bolas, who went on to produce Neil Young's Freedom album - Everything was going good, but somehow it just wasn't where I wanted to be, neither musically nor spiritually. I was writing what I felt was the best music I had ever written, but then they started talking about bringing in outside writers, and I could sense this thing just becoming a giant, one-shot, money-making extravaganza with absolutely no integrity-- a typical L.A. album deal."
January 1-4, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs and participates in a retreat at Central Christian Church in Wichita, KS.
January 5-9, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs in Joplin, MO
January 16-19, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs and speaks at a High School Winter Camp at Round Lake Christian Assembly near Loudonville, Ohio. This camp was sponsored by the Church of Christ in Marion, Ohio.
January 22, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs at the Koinonia Coffee House (Belmont Church) in Nashville, TN with Michael W. Smith.
January 27, 1987
- "Rich Mullins Day"
January 31, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs at the Kings Place in Reynoldsville, OH at 7:30 p.m.
February 1, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs in Columbus, OH.
February 2, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs at Columbus Christian, H. S. in Columbus, OH.
February 3-4, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs in Richmond, IN.
February 11, 1987
- The Big Four Building in Cincinnati, which housed Fifth Floor Studios, among other businesses, is damaged by fire destroying large numbers of master tapes, including the master for Zion's Behold The Man album and masters for many other artists. Other artists that had recorded in the studio included Prince, Natalie Cole, Sheila E. and Midnight Star. Property damage alone was estimated at $950,000 not counting the master tapes. The following September, the Studio would relocate to the 4th floor of the Tri-State Building on fifth and Walnut and change its name to Richard Goldman Productions, Inc.
February 14, 1987
- Cash Box Magazine reviews Rich's second album, Pictures in the Sky.
Album Reviews
February 23, 1987

- Rich Mullins second album, Pictures In The Sky is released on Reunion Records.
Album Reviews
Rich, on 'Verge of a Miracle': "Well this was written because I do a lot of retreats I work with a lot of church groups and like that and just had talked to a kid who had attempted suicide. And I was thinking that that was a bad thing to do, but people don't do it for no reason. And I thought maybe I could reach out a little bit and say there is a reason not to maybe it would help them. The music was already written - I started the music at Hummingbird studio when we started the album and I worked a lot on it in Chicago when I was up there. This was like one of those that I was inspired just out of real compassion for someone." This track became Rich's first #1 single.
Kathy Sprinkle, on 'Verge of a Miracle': "Reunion tried to be really good to Richard but they didn't understand him. He didn't fit their mold and he didn't want to sell his soul to be a big Christian rock artist and they didn't get that. So, he was doing this project and he had made several previous engagements to do things like high school retreats and stuff. And he was told by the record company, 'You're too big for that now.' And he's like, 'I don't believe so and I love doing this and I made this absolute promise to this guy that I would come and do this retreat.' They were furious with him - they had to reschedule all of their recording because he was going to go do this thing. He goes to a retreat... He meets this teenage kid who had survived his suicide attempt. The kid had shot himself in the stomach and then he was mortified that he couldn't even do that right. And Rich wrote that song for him. He was like, 'you don't understand. You're on the verge of a miracle just standing here. Look up. You can see if you'll just look up.'" (CCM in 3D 2022)
Rich, on 'Pictures in the Sky': "My car broke down. I had to take it in for repairs and my friend Dave McCracken dropped me off and at the place and then left me... abandoned me... and gave me two tickets to Barbara Mandrel Country. And we took it to this garage right down on Broadway. Incidentally, I wrote this song at the exact same place that I wrote the song on my last album that was called 'These Days.' Pam Hall and I wrote. Anyway, so there I was on Broadway - on lower Broadway even. A really depressed area. And I was walking around and it was a real cloudy day and you know I thought it looks so much nicer up there than it does down here. So I walked up to Barbara Mandrel country with my free ticket and Dave was up there. And I said 'Hey, what do you think of this?' and I sang him a couple of lines and he really liked it, so I finished it."
Rich, on 'Be With You': "I borrowed a friends of mines car and drove to my parent's house in Indiana and had to take his car back to him and he lives in Knoxville. In fact four of the songs on this album were written on my way Knoxville. This song - I was driving through the mountains thinking about what they would look like after the war - after the nuclear bomb. Because you figure it's inevitable. I mean there are enough idiots in office in enough Country's that it's bound to happen. I was really feeling angry because - I understand why people get killed, because people screw up things but trees don't screw anything up and mountains don't screw anything up. There are a lot of things out there in the world that are just beautiful and they exist for no reason except to just be beautiful and it's not fair that all of that should be destroyed. Should be ruined. And then, I realized well God's going to destroy it anyway. And it would be more fun for him to do it than for us to do it because He's going to do a better job of it. And then He's going to remake everything - make everything new without all of the defects that people brought into it. I just started praying 'and when you blast the cosmos to kingdom come' and then I went, Oh man I'm going to stop praying and now I'm going to write a song. And then I couldn't get it finished and I had to come back to Nashville. Another friend of mine that I really like Justin Peters who I think is a real good writer and I was playing it for him and he just kind of helped me finish this song up. He came in with some really key phrases that pulled it all together for us."
Rich, on 'Be With You': "That last line is a rip off. I really like Bruce Cockburn a lot. I forget what his lines are exactly, but I kind of stole his idea."
Rich, on 'It Don't Do': "I just feel like there should be a difference in the way that Christians live and Pagans live. And I'm not so sure that people in the world can make that distinction because I'm not so sure that the leadership that we have in the Church are distinct. You know, they should be above reproach and all of that. And I'm not always sure that they are. I'm not always sure that I am. So, it's kind of like I was a little aggravated with myself because I'm going 'gee you know if you didn't get paid to do this would people still think you're a Christian? ' and I was kind of like 'well, you know I'm a nice guy.' But so are a lot of people."
Rich, on 'Screen Door': "Yeah I wrote that song because I got a real bad hankering to do something I knew I shouldn't. And just in order to concentrate on something else to get my mind off of what it was that I wanted to do. Originally I set off to write a limerick, but it didn't work out as a limerick very well. But it did turn into as a nice song I think. I think the more of yourself that you involve in whatever you're doing when you're trying to distract yourself - the better. So I started singing. I was in my car. I was on my way to Knoxville. I was in Chattanooga of all places. Whatever in the world that I wanted to do that wasn't good I can't imagine wanting to do it in Chattanooga. Yeah I get real inspired by anger. And I shouldn't be so much. I enjoy it a little much. If I enjoyed it a little less then I would have more right to really be angry. Like I like what Chesterton says he says that the pessimist isn't bad because he criticizes the world but because he doesn't love what he criticizes. And I think - if I loved more, I would have more right to criticize. Most people who love more don't criticize as much because they're too busy trying to help things out than just being unconstructive."
Mark Hollingsworth: " I was helping manage the artist department at Compassion, and had worked hard with Rich on a printed piece to go into his second album, Pictures in the Sky. He was excited to use his platform to help needy children in the developing world. Unfortunately, I had just come from the parent record company, and the president of the label had decided not to allow the flier to be inserted after all. We were sitting in the old Shoney's restaurant on Demonbreum here in Nashville when I gave him the news. In an instant, his eyes flashed, he pounded his fist so loudly on the table that it lifted all the silverware and tipped a glass of ice water. 'That bastard!' he screamed. The bustling joint grew eerily quiet as Rich fumed further while I tried to calm him down. With our mutual passion for the insert, we eventually got those in charge to change their minds, and hundreds of precious little ones ended up with better lives as a result."
February 26, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs in Decatur, GA.
February 27-28, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs in Macon, GA.
March 1, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs in the chapel of Lincoln Christian College in Lincoln, IL.
(Promotional Shots by Mark Tucker)
March 2, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs in Chicago, IL.
March 13, 1987
- Rich Mullins and Steve Cudworth perform as part of "Revelation '87" at Living Word Church in South Holland, IL.
March 19, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs at Baptist Student Union at Vanderbilt College in Nashville, TN.
March 21-22, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs at Church of the Nazarene retreat in Nashville, TN.
March 27-28, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs at Missouri Christian Convention in Tan-Tar-A Estates, Osage Beach, Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri.
March 30, 1987
- "Verge of A Miracle" debuts on the AC Charts. It would spend 16 weeks on the chart and peak at #1 on June 1st.
April 1987
- A short interview with Rich Mullins appears in CCM Magazine.
"Mullin' Things Over"
- CCM Magazine also reviews Rich's second album, Pictures in the Sky.
Album Reviews
April 3, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs in Minneapolis, MN.
April 4, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs in Minneapolis, MN.
April 5, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs in Minneapolis, MN.
April 6, 1987
- Rich Mullins records in a Nashville, TN studio (2nd part of "Screen Door")
Kathy Sprinkle: "Actually 'Screen Door' was never supposed to be on radio. There was a wonderful guy named Jon Rivers that was in Dallas and he picked this up. He had the number one Christian radio station in the nation at that time and he also was a dear friend of Richard's, and he decided he was going to start playing 'Screen Door.' And there was a shorter version and so they had to go back into the studio and rerecord it and do a longer version because they then decided to release it. " (CCM in 3D podcast 2022)
- Rich also attends various Gospel Music Week events in Nashville and meets Chris Hauser for the first time.
April 7, 1987
- Rich Mullins records in a Nashville, TN. studio to finish up the extended version of "Screen Door")
- Rich also attends various Gospel Music Week events in Nashville.
April 8, 1987
- Rich Mullins records in a Nashville, TN. studio.
- Rich also attends various Gospel Music Week events in Nashville.
April 9, 1987
- Rich attends various Gospel Music Week events in Nashville.
April 10, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs in St. Louis, MO.
Eric Townsend: "So many people showed up to see the show that they couldn't all fit inside the church. Rich offered to do a second show for free so that everyone could get in."
April 11, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs in Indianapolis, IN.
April 12, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs at First Christian Church in Columbus, IN. at 5:30 p.m.
April 15, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs in St. John's, MI.
April 16-19, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs at the O'Hare Hilton in Chicago, IL.
(Promotional Shots by Mark Tucker)
April 30, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs at Milligan College in Kingsport Tennessee at 8:00 p.m. as part of Springfest '87.
May 1, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs at Johnson Bible College in Kimberlin Heights, TN.
May 2, 1987
- Billboard Magazine mentions that Rich just released his second album Pictures In The Sky.
May 4, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs at the Federal State Prison in Memphis, TN.
May 9, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs at a WEBA (Women exploited by abortion) Benefit at Day Spring Church of God in Forest Park, OH.
May 10, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs at Fellowship Christian Church in Cincinnati, OH. Zion members Beth Lutz, Kathy Sprinkle, Pam Zing, and Tom Weimer were all in attendance and members of the church at the time. "I See You" was performed at this concert. (Source: Tom Laughlin, attendee)
May 12, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs in Allentown, PA.
- Rich is interviewed by Tom Green and filmed performing several songs for the television program Light Music at the Cornerstone Television Studios in Wall, PA. Songs performed during the taping included "Verge of a Miracle," "Love of Another Kind," "Be With You," "For the Hatching of the Heart" (later retitled "Hatching of the Heart" and appearing on 1995's Brother's Keeper), H.D. Pinger (Hammered Dulcimer Instrumental from the early days, with Steve Cudworth), "It Don't Do," (with Steve Cudworth) and "If I Stand" (Also with Steve Cudworth. Written much earlier, this song would not appear on album until the following year's The Winds of Heaven, Stuff of Earth.) The songs and interview segments would be broadcast over two separate episodes.
May 15, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs in Long Island, NY.
May 17, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs in Hackensack, NJ.
May 20, 1987
- Rich Mullins returns to Nashville, TN to pack for trip to Asia. He cut his hair short in April because he had been told to do so by the organizers of his trip, due to the possibility of contracting lice and other parasites, etc.
- Light Music airs the first segment of interview and performances with Rich Mullins and Steve Cudworth. Songs that aired in this first episode include "Verge of a Miracle," "Love of Another Kind," "Be With You," and "For the Hatching of the Heart" (later retitled "Hatching of the Heart" and appearing on 1995's Brother's Keeper).
May 21-31, 1987
- Rich Mullins travels to Korea and spent a week teaching conversational English in a South Korean seminary. While he was there, he visited an old friend, Steve Page, who was in the Army there.
Rich: "So, that summer I got the opportunity to go to the Orient. It was the year that the Olympics were in Seoul. And there was a seminary in Korea that was really anxious to get their students really good at speaking conversational English. And so part of their plot and plan was to have some American come over and just hang out with students. So I got to go to Korea and hang out for a month, just talking with students. Then after I did that, went to Japan, and got to visit an old friend of mine there, and do some concerts, which was very, very interesting. Then we went to Thailand, which was really, of everything that happened on that particular trip, Thailand had probably the greatest impact on me.
June 1, 1987
- "Verge of a Miracle" hits #1 on the AC Charts. It spends a total of 16 weeks on the chart.
June 1-5, 1987
- Rich Mullins and Steve Cudworth travel to Japan. Rich visited an old friend from college and performed concerts, including a concert on a Naval Base.
June 6-26, 1987
- Rich Mullins and Steve Cudworth travel to Thailand. While there, Rich served briefly as a missionary in a town approximately 2 miles (3.2 km) from the Thailand-Chinese border. He helped dig septic tanks and planted fruit trees to replace their former opium cash crops. He used a buffalo to plow land and plant crops.
Rich: "So, that summer I got the opportunity to go to the Orient. It was the year that the Olympics were in Seoul. And there was a seminary in Korea that was really anxious to get their students really good at speaking conversational English. And so part of their plot and plan was to have some American come over and just hang out with students. So I got to go to Korea and hang out for a month, just talking with students. Then after I did that, went to Japan, and got to visit an old friend of mine there, and do some concerts, which was very, very interesting. Then we went to Thailand, which was really, of everything that happened on that particular trip, Thailand had probably the greatest impact on me."
- Upon entering a village in Thailand, Rich and his group were greeted with a group of children singing a song in a mixture of Thai and Lisu. The short verse roughly translates to "Pray to God. Pray to God. It will be cool with you if you Pray to God." This song became the introduction to "The Other Side of the World" on Rich's next album.
Rich: "When we got to Thailand we went up in the Golden Triangle. We were in the Wing Hang valley, north of Ching Mai. We were right by the Burma border. And all of a sudden, seeing the impact of Christianity on a Buddhist culture, and seeing the impact, not only of Christianity as a theology, as a theological position, or Christianity as a moral code, or Christianity as a political idea, or as a philosophy, but seeing the impact of people who really have the love of Christ, and who respond to the call of Christ, to forget themselves and to go out and love other people, was one of the most impactful things that happened."
Rich: "When I was in Korea, I was invited there to teach a crash course in conversational English. It's a funny thing, Korean Christians thought that when the Olympics were held there, it would be a terrific opportunity to witness to the heathen Westerners. A lot of the places where we send missionaries are looking at what's going on here in America and saying that they need to send missionaries here." (Clarion-Ledger in Jackson, MS 3/21/92)
Rich: "I've plowed land before, but never with a buffalo. That was an exciting learning experience (in Thailand)." (Clarion-Ledger in Jackson, MS 3/21/92)
- About an hour and a half before a service in Thailand, Rich wrote "The Other Side of the World." He and Steve Cudworth performed it at the service.
June 27-28, 1987
- Rich Mullins and Steve Cudworth travel to Hong Kong, China.
Rich: "At the time we were getting ready to leave, we had been in a Chinese refugee camp. And I had played the dulcimer for them, and all that sort of thing, and they were so fascinated by that. And it was wonderful playing for the Chinese refugees, because of all the people I've ever played for, when I started playing the dulcimer, rather than sit there and listen, they all got up, and they would touch it, and they would, you know, while I'm playing. It was wonderful. They were so curious. They were so interested in what was going on.
And as we were getting on the train to leave to go back to Bangkok, this man came running up to my window and said, "You must come back! You have to come back!" And I said "Why?" And he said, "Because you have to be a teacher, you must be a teacher!" And I said, "Well, what do I need to do in order to do that?" And he said, "All you need is a degree from an American university." Well, I'm going for a degree from an American university now. I don't know that I will go back to Thailand."
June 29, 1987
- Rich Mullins and Steve Cudworth travel back home to Bellsburg, TN.
July 1-3, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs at Christ in Youth in Adrian, MI. Rich meets an old friend whom he had met many years earlier named David Strasser (aka Beaker). Rich was friends with Beaker's Youth Leader, and he had been Beaker’s CIY camp counselor in Michigan since Beaker was in the seventh grade. The youth leader introduced the two of them.
Beaker originally saw Rich Mullins performing in his first group, Zion, when he was a kid at a youth retreat in Cincinnati. Beaker was attending Cincinnati Bible College and saw Rich and Zion perform there. Beaker became a youth pastor at a church near New Lisbon, IN, and he met Rich again years later at this Christ in Youth conference. When Beaker's time as a youth minister was up, Rich contacted him and invited Beaker to go on tour with him. Beaker agreed to join Rich and initially drove the bus for Rich’s band and worked with him as a roadie on the "Winds of Heaven" tour in 1989. Later, Beaker became the drummer and eventually he learned to play the guitar and the hammer dulcimer and he and began Rich performing together onstage.
Beaker: "We formally met at a Christ in Youth conference in Adrian, Michigan, and hit it off really well. He asked me for my phone number, and called me when he came to Indiana. We talked about hiking the Appalachian Trail together. Anyway, I ended up being a roadie for him on the Winds of Heaven tour, and this retreat in Wichita, Kansas just kinda changed everything."
July 4, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs in Chicago, IL.
July 5, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs in Chicago, IL.
July 6, 1987
- Rich Mullins travels back to Nashville, TN.
- "Screen Door" debuts on the AC Charts. It would spend 12 weeks on the chart and peak at #7.
Kathy Sprinkle: "Actually 'Screen Door' was never supposed to be on radio. There was a wonderful guy named Jon Rivers that was in Dallas and he picked this up. He had the number one Christian radio station in the nation at that time and he also was a dear friend of Richard's, and he decided he was going to start playing 'Screen Door.' And there was a shorter version and so they had to go back into the studio and rerecord it and do a longer version because they then decided to release it. " (CCM in 3D podcast 2022)
July 15, 1987
- Rich Mullins writes "Awesome God" while traveling from Tennessee to Missouri. (Note: On at least one occasion, Rich stated that the song was written on the way to Denver. We know that the song was performed in Missouri for the first time thanks to video evidence. Rich and Steve Cudworth did however travel to Denver for another Conference following the Missouri performance).
Steve Cudworth: " It was picked up somewhere between Tennessee and Missouri, in the cab of a sweaty little pickup truck, on the way to a concert. Rich told me that while he was driving, he envisioned an imaginary 'Hellfire and brimstone' preacher, waving his finger in the air, making proclamations about God to his congregation. Line by line, the man shouted out the phrases of 'Awesome God.' Rich committed those lines to memory until he got to the venue and found a piano to figure out what key to play it in. After he'd played it for me, Rich said in a small voice 'I think it's going to be big.' Rich then asked me if I would sing the verses and he assembled a small choir for the choruses . We rehearsed and performed 'Awesome God' for the first time that night. It amazes me how good Rich's intuition was about that song, as it continues to impact so many people."
July 16-18, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and band perform at a Christ in Youth Conference at Ozark Christian College in Joplin, MO. "Awesome God" is performed for the first time at this concert. Other songs of note performed during this show include "One Good Turn" (written in Missouri), "Hallelujah," the also newly written "The Other Side of the World" and "I See You." (source: Video of the concert)
Rich, on the first performance of "Awesome God": "I had about 1000 kids singing the chorus, and I was really knocked out. I knew I had done something right."
Set List: Love Of Another Kind/The Other Side of the World/Hallelujah/One Good Turn/If I Stand/Awesome God/Man Lays Down His Life (Steve Cudworth)/Live Right/Save Me/New Heart/Sing Your Praise to the Lord/I See You/Awesome God/Heaven In His Eyes
July 17, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs at the Christ in Youth Friday Celebration in Joplin, MO. "Awesome God" and "Heaven in His Eyes" (from the Zion days) are performed.
July 20-24, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs at a Christ in Youth Conference at Loretto Heights College in Denver, CO. (CIY). The newly written "Awesome God" is performed again at this conference.
(Promotional Shots by Mark Tucker)
Summer 1987
- A short interview with Rich Mullins appears in calendar Magazine.
"An Honest To God Original"
July 25-31, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs at Rock Lake Christian Assembly Camp in Vestaburg, MI.
August 3 - 7, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform a retreat at Southwest Baptist University in Boliver, MO.
August 21-22, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform in Rossville, IL.
August 28, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform in Mankato, MN.
September 9, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform in Ft. Wayne, IN.
September 11, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform at the Youth Kickoff Weekend at Greenwood Christian Church in Canton, OH. at 7:00 p.m.
September 12, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform at the Youth Kickoff Weekend at Perry Christian Church in Canton, OH. at 7:00 p.m.
September 13, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs at the First Christian Church in Scottsburg, KY. at 6:00 p.m.
September 14, 1987
- "Pictures in the Sky" debuts on the AC Charts. It would spend 14 weeks on the chart and peak at #2.
September 18, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform at Purdue University in Purdue, IN.
September 19, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform at the Odeum Expo Center in Villa Park, IL.
September 22-23, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform at Greenville College in Greenville, IL.
September 25, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs in Kansas City, KS.
September 26-27, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs at Central Christian Church in Wichita, KS.
October 3, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform in Tyro, KS.
October 4, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform in Grand Rapids, MI.
October 5, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform in St. Louis, MO.
October 7, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform in Bloomington, IL.
October 9, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform in South Bend, IN.
October 10-11, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform at the Immanuel Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, MI.
October 16-18, 1987
- Rich's Birthday is celebrated by friends and family at his home in Bellsburg, TN.
October 23-25, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform in Indianapolis, IN.
October 25, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs at Whitewater Christian Church in Richmond, IN at 7PM. Local newspapers mention that Rich is a "1974 Northeastern High School Graduate."
October 26, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs at the Taft Theater in Cincinnati, OH. as part of a Youth Event focusing on Peer Pressure. There is also a panel discussion featuring Anthony Munoz and Robert Jackson of the Cincinnati Bengals, and Nick Esasky and Kurt Stillwell of the Cincinnati Reds.
October 28, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform in Chicago, IL.
Unknown Date 1987
- Rich Mullins performs at Hershey Hotels and Resorts in Hershey, PA.
Set List: A Few Good Men/When You Love/Live Right/A Place to Stand/Pictures In the Sky/Verge of a Miracle/Awesome God/Screen Door/Rain/Save Me/New Heart/It Don't Do/If I Stand/Sing Your Praise to the Lord/Awesome God/I See You
October 30, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs for the Fall Youth Fling at First Christian Church in Rapid City, SD.
October 31, 1987
- Rich Mullins and Steve Cudworth perform at the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center Theater in Rapid City, SD.
Concert Review
November 1, 1987
- Rich Mullins performs for the Fall Youth Fling at the Civic Center Theater in Rapid City, SD.
November 5, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform in Spokane, WA.
November 6, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform in Seattle, WA. While in Seattle, Rich also visited his old CBC roommate Steve Page.
November 7, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform in Vancouver, Canada.
November 8, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform at Living Word Christian Center in Everett, WA.
(Rich recording demos at Flamingo Studios)
- Following the Everett, WA show, Rich and band travel to Poulsbo, WA via Ferry to a studio where demos would be recorded for Winds of Heaven, Stuff of Earth at Flamingo Studios. Demos recorded in this overnight session included "Other Side of the World," "Such A Thing As Glory" and "...And I Love You." (Source: Brad Walker, Flamingo Studios)
November 9-10, 1987
- Additional Demos are recorded for Winds of Heaven, Stuff of Earth in Portland, OR.
November 11, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform in San Francisco, CA.
November 12, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform in Fresno, CA.
November 13, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform in Los Angelos, CA.
November 14, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform in San Bernadino, CA.
November 15, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform in San Diego, CA.
November 17, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform in Phoenix, AZ.
November 18, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform in Albuquerque, NM.
(Promotional Shots by Mark Tucker)
November 19, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform in Amarillo, TX.
November 21, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform at the Footloose Christian Entertainment Center in North Richland Hills, TX at 7:30 p.m.
November 22, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform in Memphis, TN.
November 27-29, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform in Virginia.
December 1987
- Rich Mullins writes "Home" which would end up on his next album.
Kathy Sprinkle, on "Home": "The song was written for me. I had been in a really bad place. I was in rebellion. I never didn't believe in Jesus, I didn't think I wanted to follow him at that time. I was in a bad relationship. I talked to Richard and he said 'take a week off and come down and stay with me.' I was on the front porch swinging and listening to him pound out the song he was writing. The song 'Home' is about my coming back to the Lord. It is pretty special. Pretty awesome." (CCM in 3D 2022)
- Rich Mullins is interviewed by Brian Mason at radio station WLAC in Nashville Tennessee. Rich talked about his new album Pictures in the Sky. During the interview, Gary Chapman called the station and Brian Mason stated that Gary had introduced Rich Mullins at a concert the night before. Gary recalled that he had joked that 'I don't know about you guys, but I still have enough fear in my heart that I struggle sometimes with being completely honest. Sometimes I get caught trying to say what I think you want to hear instead of what I really believe. Our next guest does not suffer under that particular malady. I thank God that he's a Christian, because if he wasn't, he'd probably be an axe murderer.' Rich responded by saying 'The pay is a lot better being a Christian.'"
WLAC Brian Mason Interview 1987
December 4, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform at Broad Street United Methodist in Kingsport, TN.
December 5, 1987
- Rich Mullins, Steve Cudworth and Drummer Kyle Stevens perform in Kingsport, TN.
December 31, 1987
- Rich Mullins and Kim Boyce perform a New Years Eve show at the Kings Place in Columbus, OH. at 9:00 p.m.
(Promotional Shot by Mark Tucker)
All pages = © 1996- Eric Townsend All Rights Reserved. Do not reproduce or publish without permission.