<timeline 1991>

TimeLine : 1991

1955-1974 . 1974-1979 . 1980-1985 . 1986 . 1987 . 1988 . 1989 . 1990 . 1991 . 1992 . 1993 . 1994 . 1995 . 1996 . 1997 . 1998-present . Credits

    (Beaker and Rich Mullins)


  • Rich did not attend Friends University this year, because he was on tour most of the year.

  • Future Ragamuffin Band member Rick Elias relocates to Brentwood, TN.

  • Jeff Sack, who toured with Rich Mullins and Avenue G. released his own cassette album, entitled Healing Who I Am.

    January 1991

  • Campus Life Magazine publishes an article by Rich Mullins.
    "Remember to Forget Yourself"

  • Campus Life Magazine also includes a review of Never Picture Perfect.
    Album Reviews

    January 4, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform at Northwood Baptist Church in West Palm Beach, FL. at 7:30 p.m.

    January 5, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform at New Testament Baptist Church in Miami, FL. at 7:30 p.m.

    January 6, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform at the First Church of God in Vero Beach, FL. at 3:00 p.m.

    Mid January 1991

    (Pictured: Geoff Moore, Rich Mullins, Rick Elias, Chuck Tilley, Sol DeLenhoff, Devlin Donaldson, Cletus Soilstain, and Compassion Staff.)
  • Rich Mullins, Rick Elias and Geoff Moore travel to Guatemala as part of an Artist Vision Trip.
    This trip is where Rich met Rick Elias for the first time. Rick would later become a part of Rich's Ragamuffin Band, and even produce The Jesus Record after Rich's death.
    Rick Elias: "I met him (Rich) on a trip to Guatemala with Compassion International. We became immediate friends. We were down there for about a week and hung out constantly. I didn't know him and hadn't heard him, either. He had heard my first record and liked it, and we became fast friends. It wasn't until I got back to the states that I realized he was a big deal in Christian music. Then he asked me to form the Ragamuffin Band."
    Geoff Moore "We got to know each other on a mission trip to Guatemala. He and Rick Elias and I went together. I think that's where he and Rick met, and that later became part of Rich's musical landscape... I have great memories of that trip. One of the most moving musical moments of my life was watching Rich play 'Awesome God' in an orphanage on an old beat-up, out-of-tune, upright piano and listening to about three different languages singing it."
    Mark Hollingsworth : "I able to get him (Rick Elias) added onto an Artist Vision Trip to Guatemala several months later. I thought this particular grouping had great potential to bond significantly. Rich Mullins and Geoff Moore had both been friends of mine for five years, but had never met. I thought their Midwestern sensibilities to their music along with their desire for realistic discipleship would blend well. Chuck Tilley, a famed concert promoter, and my boss, Devlin Donaldson (also a much-published rock critic) were also along. My hope was Rick would find some cohorts in his yearning for honest communication, too. We all had a meaningful time engaging with the poor of Guatemala, but also in the fellowship of our own poor-in-spirit conditions. Everyone hit it off right from the get-go, and the rest, as they say, is history. Not only did deep connections begin across the board, but the seeds for the "Ragamuffin Band" idea that Mullins had rolling around in his head were birthed on that excursion.

    Whether we were trudging through Guatemala City's massive dump, or clambering up Mayan pyramids at Iximche... whether we were sitting through an earthquake late one evening in our rattling little motel in Panajachel or skimming across the glass surface of the gorgeous Lake Atitlan... whether we were blowing bubbles with kindergartners in San Pedro La Laguna or Rich getting popped with a swinging stick from an overenthusiastic little piñata basher in Tecpan…whether we were watching naked kids splashing in a stream or he was leading a group of native teens in singing 'Awesome God,' Rich was radiant. You could just see how this was impacting him from that point forward.

    Before we had departed for the trip southward, Rich asked me if it would be OK to bring an instrument. I assumed he meant an acoustic guitar, but he wanted to bring his large hammer dulcimer. 'Rich, that thing is worth a couple of grand and is pretty delicate,' I reasoned. 'It may not survive the transport, and the kids at the projects are gonna want to bang on that thing relentlessly.'

    'I won't mind... I really want to bring it, and I certainly want the kids to try and play it,' he replied. And sure enough, when we got there, once they saw the magic sounds Rich could bring out of it, they all wanted to try. Most were none too dignified in their attempts to get notes out of it, but Rich was just beaming ear-to-ear with their efforts. I'll never forget the images of kids crawling all over Rich trying to take turns pounding on one of his most prized possessions, and him being absolutely thrilled with joy. Before the end of the trip, a few strings were broken, and several chips were taken out of the fine wood finish. But Rich simply didn't care. You could see his heart for wanting to teach children via music come to the fore during those moments."

  • Devlin Donaldson recalled that five days into this trip, Devlin asked all the participants from Compassion International to bring him their tickets so he could call and confirm them. Rich came to him privately and told him that he lost his ticket. Devlin spent a lot of time calling the airline trying to purchase a one way ticket to get Rich home on time. After the ticket agent asked for the name of the ticket holder, there was a long pause, and the agent told him that Rich's ticket had been found lying on the ground near the baggage claim, and someone had pinned it to the bulletin board in case someone called for it. When Devlin told Rich about this, Rich had a grin on his face and said "Things always work out for me." This was after Devlin had spent an hour on the phone, trying to get Rich a ticket home from Guatemala City.

    January 25, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform at at Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, TX at 7:30 p.m.

    Early 1991

  • Jimmy Abegg hits the road with Charlie Peacock and Vince Ebo to support Peackock's The Secret of Time album.

    February 8, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform at the Meyers Sports Complext at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, IL at 8:00 p.m.

    February 9, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform at the First Baptist Church in Mountain Home, AR at 11:00 a.m.

    Mid February 1991

    (Rich and Bernie)
  • Rich, Beaker and Bernie Sheahan visit Cincinnati on a short vacation.
    Bernie Sheahan: "Rich and Beaker insisted on taking me road-tripping to Cincinnati, their favorite city, where every beloved old haunt broth that Christmas-morning excitement to Rich's face, and Beaker's too. For four days, I was part of the Abbott and Costello, Paul and Silas, David and Jonathan phenomenon that was their friendship.

    I'll always remember that February trip to Cincinnati. Together, we three heard cathedral bells peal, devoured the famous Skyline chili, and took in the confluence of the two great rivers from a hilltop churchyard at the top of steep granite steps.

    Knowing my fondness for old train stations, Rich couldn't wait to show me the restored Cincinnati Union Terminal. With an unguarded sweetness, he picked out a just-right souvenir for me in the gift shop, a photo book on the station's history. Then it was off to the lobby to demonstrate the 'way-cool' acoustical trick involving the station's 106-foot-high rotunda. It might just be my most precious memory of Rich, hearing that gee-whiz whisper from the other side of the cavernous lobby, delighted as he was with the wonder of sound and the joy of surprising a friend." (Source: CCM Magazine, November 1997)

    February 11, 1991

  • "Somewhere" debuts on the AC Charts. It would spend 10 weeks on the chart and peak at #29.

    February 16-17, 1991

  • Rich Mullins and Beaker present a weekend conference and concert at LaDue Auditorium in Greenville College in Greenville, IL.

    February 20, 1991

  • Gay Quisenberry and Crucible Productions begins moving into the Big Dog Studios/Roxy's Downtown space in the 400 block of East Douglas in Wichita, KS.

    March 1, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform at the Christian Center in Shreveport, LA at 7:30 p.m.

    March 2, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform at the Victory Bible Fellowship in Baton Rouge, LA at 7:30 p.m.

    March 3, 1991

  • Billboard Magazine mentions that Rich Mullins, Rick Elias, Geoff Moore and others recently returned from Guatamala and Mexico as part of an observational tour with Compassion International.

    March 4, 1991

    (The Choir)
  • The alternative rock group the Choir performs in Wichita, KS with Rick Elias opening. Rich, who had become a fan of their music, attends the show anonymously. The Choir is comprised of Derri Daugherty, Steve Hindalong, Dan Michaels and bassist Tim Chandler (who is also well known for his work with Daniel Amos and the Swirling Eddies.). The event was sponsored by Crucible Productions, who also works with Rich Mullins and Beaker. The Event was part of the grand opening of Crucible in its new location.

    Mark Hollingsworth: "One show was in Wichita at a second floor night club. A terrible load-in for the band and crew. Rich had become a fan of their music and showed up early to assist with all the equipment and stayed late do the same. The Choir and their crew had no idea Rich was with them, and since he was just wearing a dirty baseball cap with his hair pulled back, they never recognized him. Later, on the bus as we were headed to the next town I asked if they had enjoyed meeting Rich at all. 'He was there?!' they exclaimed. They were pissed that they never got to actually meet him, even though he'd been helping all night. Rich never went out of his way to introduce himself, even though it was his home town, and he helped fund the club where they were playing. He was just thrilled that they came to play and were making an impact on some kids he knew."

    March 15-17, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform at the Rediger Chapel Auditorium at Taylor University in Upland, IN. Read also leads a weekend retreat for Taylor Students entitled "What You Want, What You Need And What You Settle For."
    Timothy Smith: "I went to see Rich Mullins at Taylor University in Upland Indiana... Minutes before the show started, I went to use the restroom. As I was washing my hands at the sink, the guy next to me started asking me questions about myself. The man was wearing overalls and had a bushy beard. To say he appeared to be a little disheveled, would be an understatement. We continued our conversation as we entered the Auditorium, between the restroom clean up to about the fifth row this guy had become my new best friend. As I entered my row to set down, he replied, 'have a nice time, I hope you enjoy the show.' He walked up on stage and began to tune a few instruments, by this time I had assumed he was a roadie for the band. Up to that point the only pictures I ever saw of Rich were the concert promo photos, in which he was clean shaven and wearing a zoot suit. However, once he started playing 'Awesome God,' it became evident who he was. His personal down to earth demeanor won me over, I have been a fan ever since." (2021)

    March 17, 1991

  • Rich Mullins leads a praise and worship service on at the Rediger CHapel Auditorium at Taylor University in Upland, IN. at 10:00 a.m.

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform at the Greeley County High School in Tribune, KS at 7:00 p.m.

    March 21?, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform at the First United Methodist Church in Abilene, KS at 7:30 p.m.

    March 22, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform at the Assembly of God Church in Manhattan, KS at 7:30 p.m.

    March 24, 1991

  • Future Ragamuffin Rick Elias participates in a radio interview for WVVV-Rock's "Street Light Cafe" to discuss his debut album, Rick Elias & The Confessions.

  • Future Ragamuffin Rick Elias opens for the Choir at Virginia Tech's Donaldson Brown Auditorium in Blacksburg, VA at 7:30 p.m.

    April 7, 1991

  • The Celebration Singers from Cincinnati Bible College and Seminary presented a 35 minute musical entitled Aliens, written in 1983 by Rich Mullins and Justin Peters at Dive Christian Church near Bedford, IN.

    April 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform at a Baptist Church in Champaign, IL.

    April 1991

  • Rich is nominated for 3 Dove Awards - Song of the Year ("Awesome God"), Rock Recorded Song of the Year ("Higher Education and the Book of Love") & Inspirational Song of the Year ("Bound to Come Some Trouble").

    April 10, 1991

  • The Charlie Peacock Trio performs at the 328 Performance Hall in Nashville, TN. during GMA week.
    It is likely around this time that Rich Mullins meets Jimmy Abegg for the first time following a Nashville-area showcase of the Charlie Peacock Trio. While they soon became great friends, Jimmy did not know who Rich was when they met, and actually misheard Rich give his name as "David Mullins." When Rich later called Jimmy and asked him to join his "The World As Best As I Remember It, Vol. 1" Summer Tour, Jimmy did not know who he was agreeing to tour with!
    Jimmy Abegg: "I met Rich - I was playing with Peacock and we had done a showcase for industry folks at what was then a performance studio which no longer exists in the Slyvan Park area. As soon as we got done doing the set to a packed house of Christian music illuminati, I walk outside to have my necessary smokey treat (thank you Mark Robertson for coining that phrase) and I'm out by the dumpster having a cigarette and this... I thought it was a homeless guy comes up to me and says 'Hey, you got another one?' and I said 'of course.' I never turn down an ask for a smokey treat. So I gave him a cigarette and we stood there for probably 40 minutes and it wasn't about the music. We didn't talk about what we had just been through once. Usually people are like, 'oh man, that was so great. I love bla, bla, bla.' And with Rich, it was like 'so, what are you up to?'. I'll never forget that conversation. Within a couple of weeks, I got an invitation to go with him and, at the time, an ad-hoc collection of mostly teenagers from Wichita to do my first 45 city run with him. The three things that he liked about me. One, I had discussed at length my Catholic roots and I was still secretly being a Catholic in this fundamentalist Evangelical world and I think that was something he thought was interesting because little did I know that he was on his own wreckless pursuit of something other than what was being offered in the Evangelical movement. So that, coupled with my ability to swear like a sailor and receive his swearing with equal admiration, and then on top of that, I'm a smoker. Back in those days, I smoked more than I ever did and Rich was a chain smoker."

    (Rich Mullins and Avenue G at Judson University in Illinois - Early 90s)

    April 12 and 13, 1991

  • Rich Mullins and Beaker present a Youth Seminar entitled "What You Need, What You Want, and What You Settle For" at the Creve Coeur Christian Church in Creve Coeur, IL.

    April 13, 1991

  • Rich Mullins and Beaker perform at the Creve Coeur Christian Church in Creve Coeur, IL.

    April 21, 1991

  • Rich Mullins performs two concerts at the Central Christian Church in Beloit, WI at 6:30 p.m. His appearance was sponsored by Rock Valley Youth for Christ.

    April 22, 1991

  • Rich Mullins performs two concerts at the Central Christian Church in Beloit, WI at 7:00 p.m. His appearance was sponsored by Rock Valley Youth for Christ.

    May 3, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform at the Agape Music Festival at Bond County Fairgrounds in Greenville, IL . Other performers included Charlie Peacock, Rez Band, Bryan Duncan, Kim Boyce, Sparks, Wes King and others. Songs performed include "Awesome God," "The Other Side of the World," "A Few Good Men," "If I Stand," "Step By Step," "I See You," "While the Nations Rage," and "My One Thing."
    Concert Review

    May 11, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform at the Third Annual Christian Music Festival at Dorney Park StarGazer Showcase in Allentown, PA at 4:00 p.m. The concert was part of the Wesleyan Youth Conference. Other performers included Mylon LeFevre and Billy and Sarah Gaines.

    May 17, 1991

  • Rich's father John Andrew Mullins, Jr dies at Reid Memorial Hospital in Richmond, IN.
    Rich: "My Dad was, like I said, very kind of a hard man, kind of spoke his mind, that kind of thing, and he got carbon monoxide poisoning at his work and almost died. And came back from that experience and realized that there was some real reconciliation needed between him and some of his children. And he went to one of my sisters, who was especially somewhat estranged, and really began to work on that relationship. And it was really amazing to see my Dad do. A year later, he had a stroke. He recuperated from the stroke and went back and began to work on some other relationships where there had been problems. A year later he was stung by a bee and had a-an allergic reaction. Ended up in the hospital. Came out of that. In the course of those three years, I watched God take a guy who had been a faithful Christian, but a very hard, crusty kind of Christian, and I watched God systematically take him apart. And the wonderful thing was my Dad was no less himself, but he was more himself because of what God did. And it deeply, deeply affected me because what I began to realize is, you know, God doesn't give up on us does he? That He will go to any extremes to help us become the person that He created us to be.

    Rich: "The thing I most respected about my Dad was that he was an excruciatingly honest person. And what I found when he finally died um, boy everybody felt the same way about him. I mean it was a very cool thing. There was a friend of mine, or not a whole lot of a friend actually, he kind of came on the scene after I had left home. But he was youth pastoring a church and he was a homosexual. And he uh, finally really came to a crisis about this. He was going, 'Gosh I feel like I'm a phony because I, you know, I go to church and I tell kids all this stuff.' And then he had, you know, at the time was seriously considering striking up a monogamous sort of relationship. I'm not sure if you can call that a marriage or if you shouldn't call it --I don't know what to call it. But anyway he --of all the people in the world, he went to my Dad, who was-- My Dad was this hillbilly kind of redneck guy, kind of uh, and he said, 'You know, what should I do?' And my Dad said, 'You need to decide what's most important to you and do it. You can't do everything. And uh, you know what the Bible teaches and decide if you can live with the Bible or if you can live without it.' And uh, I thought that was kind of I--first of all, I didn't find out about that until my Dad's funeral.... I was in total shock when he told me that because I always just thought my Dad was a you know this such-this macho, redneck kind of American wholesome kind of guy. I thought man, you know, I had friends that were homosexuals. I would never tell my Dad you know, because I thought he would- you know, freak out. And that was the kind of the kind of person he was. And I think that the wonderful thing about my Dad... My Dad was, like I said, very kind of a hard man, kind of spoke his mind, that kind of thing, and he-he got carbon monoxide poisoning at his work and almost died. And uh, came back from that experience and realized that there was some real reconciliation needed between him and some of his children. And he went to one of my sisters, who was especially somewhat estranged, and really began to work on that relationship. And it was really amazing to see my Dad do. A year later, he had a stroke. He recuperated from the stroke and um, went back and began to work on some other relationships where there had been problems. A year later he was stung by a bee and had an allergic reaction. Ended up in the hospital. Came out of that. In the course of those three years, I watched God take a guy who whad been a faithful Christian, but a very hard, crusty kind of Christian, and I watched God systematically take him apart. And the wonderful thing was my Dad was no less himself, but he was more himself because of what God did. And it deeply, deeply uh, affected me because what I began to realize is, you know, God doesn't give up on us does he? That He will go to any extremes to help us become the person that He created us to be." (Source: Dick Staub Interview, April 1997)

    May 21, 1991

  • Rich Mullins attends his father's funeral at the Smith & McQuiston Funeral Home in Fountain City, IN.

    May 24, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Bend, OR. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    May 25, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform at the Salem Alliance Church in Salem, OR. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    May 26, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Portland, OR. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    May 30, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Vancouver, BC. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    May 31, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Vancouver, BC. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    June 1, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Seattle, WA. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    June 2, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Seattle, WA. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    June 3, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Spokane, WA. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    June 4, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Kalispell, MT. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    June 5, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Coure D'Alene, ID. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    June 6, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Lewiston, ID. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    June 7, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Boise, ID. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    June 8, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Twin Falls, ID. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    June 9, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Idaho Falls, ID. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    June 10, 1991

  • Rich Mullins performs in Salt Lake City, UT. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    June 11, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Salt Lake City, UT. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    June 12, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Grand Junction, CO. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    (Photo by Mark Tucker.)

    June 13, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Vail, CO. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    June 14, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform at Pulpit Rock Church in Colorado Springs, CO as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    June 15, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform at the Scottsbluff High School in Scottsbluff, Nebraska as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour" at 7 p.m.

    June 16, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform at Cherry Hills Community Church in Englewood, CO. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    June 17, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Topeka, KS. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    June 18, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Topeka, KS. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    June 19, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Omaha, NE. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    June 20, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Des Moines, IA. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    June 21, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Minneapolis, MN. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    June 22, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Duluth, MN. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    June 23, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Eau Claire, WI as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    June 24, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Green Bay, WI. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

  • Jimmy Abegg releases Entertaining Angels on Sparrow Records.

    June 26, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Madison, WI. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    June 27, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Milwaukee, WI as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    June 28, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Rockford, IL. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    June 29, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Fort Wayne, IN. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    June 30, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker and Avenue G perform in Fort Wayne, IN. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    July 1, 1991

  • Rich Mullins fifth album, The World As Best As I Remember It, Volume One is released on Reunion Records. The album received spot number 7 in the 2001 book CCM Presents: The 100 Greatest Albums in Christian Music.
    Album Reviews
    Rich, on "Boy Like Me, Man Like You": (This was the first song that he and Beaker wrote together. It was started in Lincoln, IL and finished while sitting on the side of a hill in St. Louis, MO.) "It was a conversation that lasted about three days. You know, we were talking about the apostles, and what it would be like to be one of the apostles and try to understand that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, that He was the Only Begotten. You know what I mean is? And you're basically... wrestling there with the doctrine of the Incarnation. And then we were talkin' about Mary; and how weird it would be for her. And then we were talkin' about, "Okay, I wonder if Jesus had any friends when he was a kid?", and "What would it be like to be his friend?", and "What would it be like to have him in class with you?" "What would it...?" And out of all of that, we ended up coming around to "Boy Like Me, Man Like You." And one of the things that I think really hit us was that, it seems wonderful that God, who is from eternity to eternity, should come and dwell in time. And that He Who is Spirit should become flesh. That, even wilder than that, is that once we were nothing, and we were made. And the fact that we are given the opportunity to live, however briefly we get to live... it's kinda wonderful. And life is something that I hope we can be grateful for."
    "Calling Out Your Name": the Hammered Dulcimer part was recorded in one take.
    Reed Arvim: "Rich was a phenomenal dulcimer player, however. I gave him the nickname, 'OTR,' which stood for 'One Take Rich.' Both "Calling out Your Name" and "Sometimes by Step" were recorded in a single take, for example. He had marvelous concentration when playing dulcimer."

    "Boy Like Me, Man Like You": became Rich's fifth #1 single.

    "The River": An early alternate title for the song was "Closer than We Know."

    July 1991

  • CCM Magazine reviews Rich's The World As Best As I Remember It, Volume One
    Album Reviews

    July 2, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Jimmy Abegg and Avenue G perform in Bowling Green, KY. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    July 3, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Jimmy Abegg and Avenue G perform in Lexington, KY. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    July 4 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Jimmy Abegg, Avenue G and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform at the Eastwood Baptist Church in Bowling Green, KY part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour". Rich and Beaker participated in a potluck dinner prior to the concert. (After the concert, Rich was asked not to return, possibly because of his casual attire.)

    July 5, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Jimmy Abegg and Avenue G perform in Indianapolis, IN. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    July 6, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Jimmy Abegg and Avenue G perform at the Mount Pleasant Christian Church in White River Township, IN. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour" at 7:30 p.m.

    July 7, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Jimmy Abegg and Avenue G perform at Whitewater Christian Church in Richmond, IN. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    July 9, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Jimmy Abegg and Avenue G perform in Charleston, WV. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    July 10, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Jimmy Abegg and Avenue G perform in Roanoke, VA. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    July 11, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Jimmy Abegg and Avenue G perform in Richmond, VA. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    July 12, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Jimmy Abegg and Avenue G perform in Washington DC. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    July 13, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Jimmy Abegg and Avenue G perform in Bowling Green, KY. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    July 14, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Jimmy Abegg and Avenue G perform at Stll Meeadow Evangelical Free Church in Catonsville, MD (Near Baltimore) as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    July 15, 1991

  • "Boy Like Me, Man Like You" debuts on the AC Charts. It would spend 14 weeks on the chart and peak at #1 on September 16, 1991.

    July 16, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Jimmy Abegg and Avenue G perform in Salem, NJ. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    (Photo by Mark Tucker.)

    July 17, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Jimmy Abegg and Avenue G perform in Houston, TX. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".
    Jimmy Abegg later recalled that Rich often seemed very angry on this tour. He stated that Rich's daily morning routine consisted of smoking cigarettes, drinking a cup of coffee and jogging six miles, and then driving for hours to the next concert location. In order to help him relax, Jimmy offered to teach Rich watercolor painting. Jimmy stated that he himself found watercolor painting to very relaxing and contemplative, and he thought that Rich might enjoy it also. During the band's visit to Texas, Jimmy picked a sunflower and suggested that Rich paint the sunflower. To Jimmy's shock and dismay, Rich chose colors that made Jimmy suspect that Rich may have been color blind, and he stated that Rich became very upset and impatient with himself while painting, and ending up getting angry and tearing his painting in half. Jimmy stated "That abruptly ended my attempt to help him find a way to relax and deal with his anger." (Source: Jimmy Abegg, Hello Old Friends Memorial gathering, Bellsburg, Tennessee, September 16, 2022.)

    July 18, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Jimmy Abegg and Avenue G perform at Eastern Nazarene College in Quincy, MA (Near Boston) as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    July 19, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Jimmy Abegg and Avenue G perform in Manchester, NH. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    July 20, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Jimmy Abegg and Avenue G perform at the Oak Creek Assembly of God Church in Oak Creek, WI as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour" at 7:30 p.m..

    July 23, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Jimmy Abegg and Avenue G perform in Troy, NY. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour."

    July 24, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Jimmy Abegg and Avenue G perform in Utica, NY. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour."

    July 25, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Jimmy Abegg and Avenue G perform in Buffalo, NY. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour."

    July 26, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Jimmy Abegg and Avenue G perform at Faith Memorial Church in Sandusky, OH. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour" at 7:30 p.m. The concert was called (An Acoustic Evening with Rich Mullins.) Proceeds from this concert were given to Erie County Right to Life and CPC Pregnancy Counseling and services in Adrian, Michigan.

    July 27, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Jimmy Abegg and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform at the Cathedral of Life in Canton, OH as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour" at 7:30 p.m.

    July 28, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Jimmy Abegg and Avenue G perform in Grand Rapids, MI. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    July 29, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Jimmy Abegg and Avenue G perform in Sault St. Marie, MI. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    August 1991

  • CCM Magazine reviews Rich's performance at the Agape Music Festival from May 3, 1991.
    Concert Review

    August 1, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Jimmy Abegg and Avenue G perform in Tulsa, OK. as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    August 2, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Jimmy Abegg and Avenue G perform at Footloose, Texas Hall at the University of Texas in Arlington, TX as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    August 3, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Jimmy Abegg and Avenue G perform at Footloose, Texas Hall at the University of Texas in Arlington, TX as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour".

    August 17, 1991

  • Rich Mullins and Beaker perform a free concert to celebrate WHME-FM's 23rd birthday in South Bend, IN. at 12:00 noon. Other performers included Al Denson and First Call.
    Joe Hill: "Rich was very tired so he sat on the floor while I interviewed Steve (Grace). Well during the interview, Rich fell asleep. And then he started snoring. And it could be heard over the radio. I advised our listeners there was nothing wrong with their radios. It was the sounds of Rich Mullins snoring. I let him sleep until the interview was finished. Sadly, I did not record the interview."

    August 24, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Jimmy Abegg and Avenue G perform at the West Bank Stage in Wichita, KS as part of the "World As Best As I Remember It" Summer Tour" at 6:00 p.m. The event was in support of Operation Rescue's "Summer of Mercy" prolife efforts to end abortion. Over 8000 people attended the concert.

    August 25, 1991

  • Pat Robertson, Joe Scheidler the head of the Pro-life Action League and and Bishop Eugene Gerber of the Catholic Diocese of Wichita were featured speakers for the "Hope for the Heartland" pro life rally at 2:30 p.m. at Cessna Stadium at Wichita State University. "Hope for the Heartland" was comprised of about 25 groups, including Right to Life of Kansas, Inc., Kansans for Life, Physicians for Life and Wichita Alliance of Evangelical Churches. Over 35,000 people attended the concert.

    These rallies came at the end of the sixth week of pro life rallies that began on July 15, 1991 by Randall Terry, the founder of the Pro life organization, Operation Rescue. Rich Mullins prayed and protested at the Wichita abortion clinics for several years and he is believed to have attended this pro-life rally.
    Kathy Sprinkle: "A little known fact is that in 1991 Richard joined me in getting arrested several times protesting at Wichita's third trimester abortuary". (Dr. George Tiller's abortion clinic) (Source: Rich Mullins Remembered Facebook Page, August 12, 2015)

    September 7, 1991

  • Rich Mullins and Beaker perform at the Christ the King CHapel at Franciscan University in Steubenville, OH at 8:00 p.m.
    Dennis Caussaude: "He was giving a performance at the university. I wanted to attend his concert but was unable to because it was sold out. Prior to the concert, he was hanging out near the ticket booth area. He (Rich) came up to me and started talking to me. He asked me if everything was okay and I told him that I wanted to see him in concert but was sold out. He suggested that I be his bodyguard for the concert and I walked in with him. That was an awesome concert and it was a privilege to be his bodyguard for the concert. It was held in the chapel at the university. He was very personable throughout the whole concert and played acoustic instruments with his band which inspired me as a musician. I don't recall hearing any electric instruments. He was really impressive and down to earth. He left a very good impression on me. He was AWESOME. Thank you."

    September 16, 1991

  • "Boy Like Me, Man Like You" hits #1 on the AC Charts. After its debut on July 15, the song would stay on the chart for 14 weeks.

    September 20, 1991

  • Rich Mullins and Beaker perform at the Lighthouse Christian Center in Fairbanks, Alaska at 7:30 p.m.

    September 21, 1991

  • Rich Mullins presented an all day youth seminar entitled "What you want, what you need and what you settle for" at the Lighthouse Christian Center in Fairbanks, Alaska at beginning at 8:30 a.m.

    September 28, 1991

  • Rich Mullins and Beaker perform at Smith-Cotton High School in Sedalia, MO. Sponsored by Youth Alive! During the concert, Rich talked about how proud he was of his pastor for almost getting arrested and put in jail during Operation Rescues "Summer of Mercy" rescues at Dr. Tillers' infamous abortion clinic in Kansas. Rich noted that he and Beaker had been on tour most of the summer, but the watched the news of the rescues on television when they were in Nashville, and they were appalled by the deceitful way that the news stations presented the rescues, including the fact that a supposedly violent rescue mission was actually filmed somewhere other than Wichita.
    Rich Mullins: "Our minister was almost put in jail. I think if you are ever going to hire a minister one of the first things I'd look for is if he had spent any time in prison or not. Considering Jesus was in prison for a while and Paul and Peter and all of the apostles as far as I know. There's some good company in jail. I don't know if any of you were watching television during the big crisis out in Wichita... We were watching it in Nashville, Tennessee and it was very interesting to see the footage of the 'violent rescue mission' was actually filmed somewhere other than in Wichita itself. The news media is not smart enough, but they are actual evil enough to provide us with a lot of wrong information and we should not trust them very far."

    Set List: I Will Sing/Hope To Carry On/What Trouble Are Giants/The Other Side Of The World/Bound To Come Some Trouble/With The Wonder/While The Nations Rage/The Howling/One Thing/Harlan County Waltz/Calling Out Your Name/Alrightokuhuhamen/Amazing Grace/My Jesus, I Love The/It Is Well/Step By Step/Screen Door

    Fall 1991

  • Release Magazine publishes its first article written by Rich Mullins.
    "23rd At 32"
    Roberta Croteau: "While working at a Christian music magazine, I had the unique privilege of being an editor for Rich Mullins - as if such a thing were actually possible. He dutifully sent in his column, and I sat and wondered how to possibly fix or change anything that came from that mind - which basically left me editing a lot of punctuation (he adored commas), correcting a few misspellings, and pretty much leaving words stand just the way he sent them in. I was just one of the many who found any words that poured out of his mouth or pen to be strokes of genius."

    Fall/Winter 1991

  • CCM Magazine Reviews Rich's "The World As Best As I Remember It, Volume One."
    Album Reviews

    October 6, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform performs at the McCain Aditorium in Manhattan, KS.

    October 7?, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform in Owasso, OK. as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    October 8, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform at the First Assembly of God Church in Topeka, KS. at 7:30 p.m. as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    October 9, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform at McCain Auditorium at Kansas State University in Manhattan, KS as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour. Bryan Duncan also performed.

    October 10, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform in Emporia, KS. as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    October 11, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform in Kansas City, MO. as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    October 12, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform at First Baptist Church of Harvester in St. Charles, MO as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour at 7:30 p.m.

    October 15, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform at the Marion Cultural and Civic Center in Marion, IN as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour at 7:30 p.m.

    October 16, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform in Joplin, MO as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    October 17, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform in Cape Girardeau, MO as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    ("Calling Out Your Name" Tour T-shirt)

    October 18, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform at the Indian Springs Baptist Church in Bryant, AR as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    October 19, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform at Evangel Church in Memphis, TN as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    October 20, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform in Nashville, TN as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.
    An article is written for Harvest Rock Syndicate about this tour (Life As A Monk)

    October 21, 1991

  • Rich Mullins celebrates his birthday in Nashville, TN.

    October 22, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform at The First Christian Church in Jackson, TN as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour at 7:30 p.m.

    October 23, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform at Kentucky Christian College in Grayson, KY as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    October 24, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform in Centerville, OH as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    October 25, 1991

    (Rich and Beaker. Photo Courtesy of the Elizabethton Star.)
  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform in Seeger Chapel at Milligan College in Elizabethon, TN as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour, and as part of the college's annual Alumni Weekend at 7:30 p.m. Songs performed include "Step by Step," "Boy Like Me Man Like You," "I See You," "My One Thing," "While the Nations Rage," "Alrightokuhuhamen," "If I Stand," "Screen Door," and "Awesome God." A short power outage delayed the start of the show during which Rich performed an acoustic song and spoke to the audience.

    October 26, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform in Knoxville, TN as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    October 27, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform in Greenville, SC as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    October 29, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform in Winston Salem, NC as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    October 30, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform at the Parrish Victory Christian Fellowship in Lynchburg, VA as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.
    Pastor Ken (of Parrish Victory Christian Fellowship): "For reasons I don't remember, a church in Virginia had canceled his concert. Knowing they would be in the Lynchburg area for the evening, their manager called a local Christian radio station to see if they might know of someplace they could minister while in the area. Because we have a daily program on the station, the station manager called me to see if we would be interested in having Rich do a last minute concert at our church. He knew our small church didn't even have its own facility, but thought we might know another church that would partner with us, which we did. We were not sure, however, that Rich and his band would want to perform for such a small group.

    Well, they were, for no more than dinner and a love offering, and it was an evening we will long remember! Both churches are small, and being the last minute, there were only about 50 people in attendance. Rich invited everyone to sit up real close - even among the band, as they played and lead us in worship with piano, guitars, and of course, the hammer dulcimer. He let the kids look the dulcimer over real good and showed them how to play it. He shared his vision of ministering on an Indian reservation. They ministered for a couple hours, and we finished by singing Awesome God. Afterwards, Rich and the band hung around talking to everyone, in no hurry to rush off.

    We were so impressed by Rich's humility and touchableness. His faith in and love for Jesus was so obvious. After just a few hours he talked to us as if we were old friends. It's no wonder we feel the loss so deeply for someone we only met once. We thank God for the music he left behind, to which we will often listen and remember........"

    November 1, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform in Lexington, KY as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    November 2, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform at the Lakeview Wesleyan Church in Marlon, IN as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour at 7:30 p.m. Local newspapers described the concert as "an evening of Contemporary Christian music flavored with 70's based rock & roll."

    November 3, 1991

  • Rich Mullins performs in the Goddard Auditorium at Earlham College in Richmond, IN as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour at 7:00 p.m.

    November 4, 1991

  • "Where You Are" debuts on the AC Charts. It would spend 13 weeks on the chart and peak at #3.

    November 5, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform in Evansville, IN as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    November 6, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform at the McKinley Foundation Church in Urbana, IL as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    November 7, 1991

  • Rich Mullins performs in Bloomington, IN as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    November 8, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform as part of a retreat for members of the Fellowship of Christian athletes in at Hope College in Adrian, MI as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    November 9, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform as part of a retreat for members of the Fellowship of Christian athletes in at Hope College in Adrian, MI as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    November 11, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform in Kankakee, IL as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    (Beaker and Rich Mullins)

    November 14, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform performs in Birmingham, AL as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    November 15, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform in Atlanta, GA as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    November 16, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform at the Cornerstone Presbyterian Church in Columbia, SC as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour at 8:00 p.m.

    November 17, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform in Raleigh, NC as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    November 21, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform at Shepherd Church of the Nazarene in Gahanna, OH (near Columbus) as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour at 7:00 p.m.

    November 22, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform in Indianapolis, IN as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    November 23, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform in Indianapolis, IN as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    (Rich Mullins - seated, with Reed Arvin, Don Donahue, Michael Blanton and Terry Hemmings. Photo by Beth Gwinn)
  • Cash Box Magazine mentions that Rich had already been working on his next album, The World As Best As I Remember It, Volume Two, which would be released next June. The above photo was included with the article.

    November 24, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform in Dayton, OH as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    November 25, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform at Antonian Hall at Franciscan University in Steubenville, OH as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour at 8:00 p.m. According to the University yearbook "Rich Mullins was originally scheduled for just one performance. However, Rich was so impressed with the students and prayerful atmosphere of the campus, he decided to return, talking time out during his national tour, to perform again." Both times, Rich played to a full (and ecstatic) house. Attendees agreed: it was quite a treat. (The Franciscan Almanac Yearbook, 1992, Franciscan University, Steubenville, Ohio)

    November 26, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform in Lewisberg, PA as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    November 27, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform at Lancaster Bible Church in Lancaster, PA. as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour. Rich fell off the stage (source: Jimmy Fleming, production manager/engineer)

    November 28, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks spend Thanksgiving in New York.

    November 30, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform in New York as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    December 2, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform in Salem, NJ as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    December 3, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform in Bloomfield, CT as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    December 4, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform at Eastern Nazarene College in Quincy, MA (near Boston) as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    (Beaker and Rich Mullins)

    December 6, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform at a small church in Vermont as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    December 7, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform at New Life Ministries in Schenectady, NY as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.
    Jimmy Fleming, Tour Production Manager/Engineer: "It was a wild show, because rich had forgot his hammers for his dulcimer and we could not find any anywhere. I ended up getting him some large metal spoons from the school cafeteria and that's what he used to play that night."

    December 10, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform in Buffalo, NY as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    December 11, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform in Warren, PA as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    December 12, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform in Toledo, OH as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    December 13, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform at the Elko Theatre in Elkhart, IN (near South Bend) as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    December 14, 1991

  • Billboard Magazine's "Gospel Lectern" column includes a short interview with Rich.
    Gospel Lectern

    December 30, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G, Jeff Sack and Greg and Rebecca Sparks perform as part of a winter retreat in Carthage, MO as part of the "Calling Out Your Name" Tour.

    December 31, 1991

  • Rich Mullins, Beaker, Avenue G and Lauren Stalnecker perform as part of the "Grand Event" in Dania, FL at a Mall specializing in designer home decor. Rich performed barefoot in a full-blown tuxedo, tails, cumberbund, cufflinks, the works. The event was sponsored by Fort Lauderdale Youth for Christ and the Gold Coast Concert series. (Source: Jimmy Fleming, Tour Production Manager)

All pages = © 1996- Eric Townsend All Rights Reserved. Do not reproduce or publish without permission.

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